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2017 The 3rd Exhibition
Re-encountering Her
sema창고 전경
전시 전경
정대협 아카이빙
sema창고 전경
2017.04.28 - 05.28
서울시립미술관, SeMa 창고
전쟁의 역사 속에서 늘 존재하여 온 여성을 대상으로 한 성폭력과 인권유린에 대하여 고발하고, 생명과 삶의 존엄성에 대해 호소하였다.
Seoul Museum of Art, SeMA Storage
Its third exhibition Re-encountering Her focuses on women's rights during the war and 'Comfort Women' under Japanese colonial rule. This exhibition by 'Art ZeAn' was planned with the supports of The Korean Council for the Women Drafted for Military Sexual Slavery by Japan, War & Women's Human Rights Museum and Memorial Foundation for Justice.
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